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Time Corps #6
Publisher: Wunderman Comics
by SAM R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/08/2018 23:23:18

The writer Nate Wunderman writing flows easily from panel to panel. The reader is able to follow along and be involved with the story. The coloring is rich and deep in each issue. I am a fan of the coloring. A police chase continues in this issue. Learning to evade the police is something the team will have to learn. Sgt. Lee takes control and gets them out of this mess. They can continue on their mission. Meanwhle, the girls are scared and have no understanding of cars, traffic orwhere they are. Scared, they continue to run around downtown LA. The team catches up with the girls to send them back. We learn that when people are sent back; they continue with their destiny. Good or bad; they must go back. A cool gadget appears in this issue. Washing the memory of events. I think it will be for "regular" people who may see things they weren't suppose to.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Time Corps #6
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